Workplace Diversity after Students for Fair Admissions: A Chat with EEOC Chair Burrows

A free webinar presented by the MWELA Bench Bar Committee, and co-sponsored by the: WBA Employement Law Forum, the Bar Association of the District of Columbia and National Bar Association

A virtual discussion on the latest employment cases following SCOTUS’ decisions in the affirmative action cases, SFFA v. UNC Chapel-Hill and SFFA v. Harvard. We will unpack recent 4th and 10th Circuit cases, among others, hear from Chair Burrows on the impact of these decisions and the Commissions’ response, and then discuss strategies to respond to relevant legal arguments meant to hamper diversity initiatives in the workplace

Opening Remarks:
- Wiley Adams, President-Elect, National Bar Association
- Rawle Andrews Jr
, President, Bar Association of the District of Columbia
-Mary Blatch, President, Women's Bar Association of
the District of Columbia

- Charlotte A. Burrows, Chair, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
- Hon. Todd Edelman, D.C. Superior Court
- Jocelyn R. Cuttino, Morgan Lewis
- Maya Jefferson, Gilbert Employment Law, P.C.

- R. Scott Oswald, Managing Principal, The Employment Law Group, P.C.


Please Note:

- CLE is not offered for this program. Recording is not permitted.
- Advanced registration is required to receive the Zoom link, which will be sent to all registrants one day prior to the event.


Workplace Diversity after Students for Fair Admissions: A Chat with EEOC Chair Burrows

  • Thursday Sep 05 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Zoom